Dear Customer:
Due to ongoing drought conditions, Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 502 has initiated Stage 2 water conservation measures. We may require more water use restrictions if conditions worsen.
Water use restrictions now in place:
- Water Customers are required to limit all outdoor water usage, including, but not limited to, lawn and garden watering, car washing, and window washing to even-numbered days for Customers with even-numbered addresses and odd-numbered days for water Customers with odd-numbered addresses, and only between the hours of 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and 12:00 midnight to 6:00 am. In the event no street address exists, Customers living on the north and west side of a street should use water outdoors only on even-numbered days and Customers living on the south and east side of a street should use water outdoors only on odd-numbered days.
- All outdoor water use, including but not limited to lawn and garden watering, car washing, and window washing, must be conducted with a hand-held hose with a manual on-off nozzle.
- The District shall recommend that the following public water uses not essential for public health and safety be curtailed:
- Street washing;
- Fire hydrant flushin; and
- Filling of swimming pools
Please note that the Towne Lake Community Association uses non-potable water from the lakes for irrigation of certain common areas throughout the Towne Lake community, which helps to reduce demand on the potable water system and preserve the availability of potable water for other uses. Such non-potable water usage is not covered by these restrictions.
The following penalties shall apply to anyone violating the terms of this Plan or the Drought Response Measures or Emergency Response Measures adopted pursuant hereto:
A. First Violation. Any person or entity who violates this Plan shall receive written notification of such violation, which notice shall set forth (i) the date of the violation, (ii) the nature of the violation, (iii) the Drought Response Measures then in effect, and (iv) the penalties applicable for any further violations of this Plan; provided, however, that if such person or entity has ever previously violated this Plan, the penalties set forth in Section B below, may, in the discretion of the Board, be imposed.
B. Subsequent Violations.
- Disconnection for Noncompliance. If any person or entity violates any provision of this Plan more than one time (which violation shall constitute an unauthorized use of District services and/or facilities), then in addition to any other remedies,penalties, sanctions and enforcement procedures provided for herein, the District shall have the right to terminate water service to such person or entity after notice and any other procedural requirements in the District’s rate order are satisfied.
- Monetary Penalties for Noncompliance. If any person or entity violates any provision of this Plan more than one time (which violation shall constitute an unauthorized use of District services and/or facilities), then, in addition to disconnection as provided in Subsection B1 of this Section, the Board of the District, after providing required notice, may impose a penalty of up to the jurisdictional limit of a justice court, for each violation of this Plan. Each day that a breach of any provision of this Plan continues shall be considered a separate violation. This penalty shall be in addition to any other legal rights and remedies of the District as may be allowed by law.
The Board of Directors appreciates your cooperation and perseverance during this Conservation Condition. Once the Conservation Condition ends, we will notify you, and you may then return to normal usage. If conditions should worsen, it may be necessary to proceed to Stage 3, at which time you will be notified of the more stringent restrictions to ensure the availability of water in your community.